Corporate PC sales may be impacted by iPad 5

The developments in iPad 5 and future generations of iPad may impact the sales of Personal Computers to the corporate. Deutsche bank is very skeptical about the PC growth, considering the iPad equipped with 64 bit A7 processor, which is expected to come in place. Here is a piece of what they think:

“We…expect growing [desktop] virtualization and iPad deployments in the enterprise to pressure corporate PC sales through 2014-15…We expect AAPL’s [Apple’s] iPad refresh to include 64 bit architecture, which should enable a greater array of enterprise App development and facilitate greater enterprise penetration over time.

In the near term, back to school PC demand appears relatively soft and recent new hardware releases (Haswell) had little impact spurring incremental demand. Furthermore, we believe the corporate upgrade cycle will peak in [second half of calendar year 2013] as corporates complete Win 7 transitions ahead of Microsoft’s ending support of XP in early 2014.”


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iPad to be used as Electronic Flight Bag by Transaero Airline

Electronic Flight Bag used by airlines is synonymous to dematerialization in the stock market. The EFB is now very popular among the airlines to decrease the amount of paper they carry. This weight reduction will lead to higher fuel efficiency and ultimately a safer, cleaner environment. So, how is that possible? This is possible via an iPad application.


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iOS 7 problems: vanishing icons, poor battery life, security issues and more

The new iPhones continue to sell like hot cakes in various countries, but the disappointing news is that the iOS 7 is not delivering what it promised. After the initial hurdle of security issue fixed by an update, may be there are series of updates required to be given by Apple over numerous issues being faced by its users. One of the prominent ones faced of late is by the sudden vanishing icons of homescreen.


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